Our Story
Who We Are
Total Body Band is a small employee-owned company located in Jacksonville, FL built upon the values of honesty, integrity, and longevity. We are dedicated to helping others realize their fullest potential through innovative fitness products that make prioritizing your health efficient and sustainable. There are no hidden agendas here, just a bunch of pure hearts with pure intentions- that’s it.
Our Story: A Letter from Co-Founder Montell Owens
“Your hunger to succeed must be worth more than the inconveniences of success”
The idea behind the Total Body Band came as a result of the overwhelming need to train with more intensity but in less time in order to produce better results. Having been a Pro-Bowl NFL Football Player for nearly a decade, I found that the world of professional athletics lacked innovation in areas of efficiency and training freedom. I was not able to find fitness equipment that could train my entire body efficiently and take up less than one square foot of space either in a gym, home, or travel bag. I knew that a great team of like-minded individuals could solve this problem.
Blake McCoy, personal trainer and close friend in the fitness world, found the same deficiencies not only in professional sports but also in the everyday lives of all the people he trains on a daily basis. Through thoughtful collaboration, Blake came up with a great idea. An idea that would ultimately set the trajectory and eventual formulation of our product! I found that friends, Melody Rae (actress, model and athlete), along with Brendan Brazier (triathlete, author and co-founder of Vega), were also contemplating some of these same innovative ideas and concepts.
During my professional sports career we used resistance bands religiously in order to awaken, warm, and train every muscle group. Our TBB team explored this concept further and found that the typical resistance band had its limitations. For starters, there are so many lengths, orientations, resistance levels, colors, types, etc. While resistance bands do have their list of benefits, we did not find any of them to bring overwhelming efficiency when trying to train the entire body. So we put all of our minds together and developed a single unit system that can do exactly what we were wanting from the resistance band world of training, thus the Total Body Band was created.
We found that we were able to continue through any warm up phase and proceed straight in to any grueling series of movements with no other piece of fitness equipment needed in order to complete. The results were overwhelming! The resistance band was now used as the primary ingredient for our workouts and produced results that led to success for every member of our team. We were now able to train the entire body in any location, at any time, and in any condition- all in the fraction of time most total body training sessions typically demand. Professional athletes and fitness competitors are also injured from time to time, so the need for resistance bands are a must when in rehab mode. Proving that our Total Body Band is able to handle the demands of a grueling workout, yet also gentle enough to rehabilitate and cater to the older generations of health conscious individuals.
Our thoughts have always been that concepts such as these can only develop on a foundation of many hands and a team with honest intentions. It took years comprised of countless hours of research, prototypes and failed attempts to create what we know to be such a great concept. Even my mother in-law contributed and was often seen in front of her sewing machine stitching and knitting our initial prototypes together. The TBB team is excited to share our product with you, a product we trust you can use to help achieve your fitness goals!
Montell Owens
The Team
The Total Body Band family of stellar athletes and trainers includes Blake McCoy, Tony Thomas, Melody Rae and Brendan Brazier, who have all played integral roles in our development and launch.
Blake McCoy
"A year from now you'll wish you started today"
"Big Things Are Accomplished Through The Perfection Of Minor Details"
melody rae
"When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen"
Brendan brazier
"The closest you can get to perfection is constant improvement"